MXC Release Notes v1.155 (May 30, 2023)
almost 2 years ago by David Hoffman
1.155 Release Notes
House Split Compensation Model
- We are enhancing our compensation system to add the house split feature currently available in MXIso Agent. Please refrain from adding any house split downline schedules until this feature is fully released. You will be notified when this functionality is fully available for use.
Statement View Profitability Analysis
- We have introduced a new report for merchant level profitability analysis. This report is located within the Statement view under the Operations tab. This report will help identify specific billing details related to a merchant’s Gross Profit
- Note: This feature, while technically present within MXC, will require additional development work in order to be fully realized. Please refrain from using this feature until this work is completed.
Merchant Processing Summary Verbiage Clarifications
- MXC previously identified a merchant’s monthly processing summary as an invoice. We have changed all references from “Invoice” to “Statement.”