Introduction to MXConnect APIs
This page will help you get started with MXConnect. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!
This documentation section outlines some of the use cases and walks you through the best practices for integrating with our API. MX™ Connect have two main APIs to integrate with: Report and Boarding. This page will list a brief description of what you will find on this developer page. Below are the steps to get started.
Getting Started
Integrate and test in the Sandbox environment - Details for creating a Sandbox MX™ Connect Partner are in the following section. If you need technical assistance, our API Help team is available Monday - Friday 8am-5pm EST via email at [[email protected]](mailto: [email protected]) and reply to emails within 4 business hours or less.
Sandbox MXConnect
It is recommended to test the reporting and boarding API in our Sandbox environment before going to do some live testing to ensure all systems are working properly. Before having the ability to use MX™ Connect you’ll need to become a Partner if you are not already. To become a Partner, please visit our website or call (844) 277-5855 to talk to our Sales Team. Details for utilizing our reporting API are in the following section.
Reporting API
MX™ Connect has a robust and detailed reporting system. As found in our UI, you are able to find out many things such as merchants, transactions, disputes, accounts, etc. Our Reporting reference page can be found here: Reporting API. It is recommended to test this in our sandbox environment before using this in our live environment.
Boarding API
Integrating with this API will allow you to board (our fancy word for adding) new merchants. What you need to add merchants and the different products are described here fully in the boarding section of this website. You can find this here: Boarding API.
Updated about 1 year ago