Field Index for Boarding

This document will have the list of fields for boarding

Purpose of this Document

This document will have a list of fields that show up while using our boarding API. This page will have different columns to explain what the fields mean or have.

UAR Object

Field NameDescriptionData TypeExample
"name"Doing Business as NameString"Donut Shop
"id"Universal Account RecordEnum"af63a608-3a4b-5a87-b762-ace796c4a0c0"
"accountId"Id related to the productEnum"a51a423c-d2fc-51c7-900a-9e84c8014d23"
"entityId"Id related to the Entity ObjectEnum"8d873027-750f-5b96-944c-2cc039353053"
"locationId"Id related to the Location ObjectEnum"d3fb7268-b97f-5cc1-b74f-50ea803ee24c"

Entity Object

Field NameDescriptionData TypeExample
"id"Id related to the Entity ObjectEnum"8d873027-750f-5b96-944c-2cc039353053"
"address"Address of the EntityObject: Array of Strings"address": {
"city": "Alpharetta",
"country": "United States",
"postalCode": "30004",
"state": "GA",
"street1": "South Main Street"
"jurisdiction"Information of the Entity typeObject: Array of StringsJurisdictions Fields
"email"Email addressemail string"[email protected]"
"signers"Object that holds all info regarding the ownershipObject: Array of StringsSigners Fields
"taxId"Entity Tax Id Information (different from signers)Object: Array of Strings"taxId": {
"type": "EIN",
"valid": false,
"number": "555555555"
"type"Tax TypeEnum"EIN" or "SSN"
"valid"Whether identification is valid or not.boolean"false"
"number"number of the tax typeString"555555555"

Location Object

Field NameDescriptionData TypeExample
"established"Date that this location has been establishedString Date format - "YYYY-MM-DD""2002-12-23"
"id"ID field of the location objectenum"d3fb7268-b97f-5cc1-b74f-50ea803ee24c"
"industry"Business industry the location is associated withEnumComing Soon
"sector"Sector the business industry is a part of.EnumComing Soon
"sic"Number Code of the SicEnumComing Soon
"address"Location of DBAObject: Array of Strings"address": {
"city": "Alpharetta",
"country": "United States",
"postalCode": "30004",
"state": "GA",
"street1": "South Main Street"
"phone"10 Digit telephone number.10 Character String"4043217894"
"name"Name of the DBA."String""Donut Shop"

Product List

ProductProduct ID
MX Merchant5
Brinks 2440ac9e0-a714-5840-b67a-a849dff2c832
Priority CBDeb8d81d5-a59a-5662-9026-04f6fd9577cd
Chase Paymentech616173d5-6bb0-561e-8e0f-5b572ca44bfb
MX Insights4
MX Connect421b375a-8143-57cc-9dc5-ad5ee2eab098
Payright Health8e520e3b-d2ad-5cde-af0f-eab32b79abef

Account Object

Coming Soon